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EDC Meeting 1-23-08

MINUTES                         PAGE 1                              MEETING
MADDEN ROOM                     TOWN HALL                JANUARY 23, 2008

Members Present: Janis Murtha-Chairperson, Susan Burnham, Joseph Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson and James Murray

Alternates Present:     Roseann Williams sat for Krista Marchesseault
Louise Neary
Bill Jodice

Staff Present: Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

1.      Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Murtha called the meeting to order at 7:40p.m.
2.      Roll Call: Complete
3.      Public Participation: Motion to move G&S Scrap Metal to Public Participation.
Was made by: Commissioner Williams
Seconded by: Commissioner Futtner
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

A presentation was made by owners Robert and Joseph Smith and Peter DeMallie of Design Professionals. G&S would like to move their current operation from 49A John Fitch Blvd to Nutmeg Road North Lot 10. Their company processes scrap metal to be shipped to mills. They currently process only non-ferrous metals but with the expansion will be able to process ferrous metals. The new building they would like to construct would be 41,560 sq ft on 8.5 acres. Their workforce would also be increased by about twelve new employees. There would be a single entrance into the site. State of the art water quality measurements would be used and there would be about .5million dollars of equipment onsite. The southeast corner of the lot would remain undeveloped and could be divided to provide an 18th lot in the development. Scales would be used to weigh incoming and outgoing trucks. A new company would be formed that would own the land and would be named Nutmeg North LLC. G&S is looking for tax abatement. Commissioner Neary asked if there would be any emissions during the processing such as in the air. Mr. DeMallie stated that only cutting of materials is done at the site. Commissioner Mitchell asked what other types of materials will be processed other than copper, aluminum and brass. Mr. J. Smith said that wire will also be processed. Commissioner Mitchell asked if junk cars will be processed. Mr. J. Smith indicated that some demolition materials from buildings will be processed. Commissioner Mitchell expressed his desire for the industrial area to remain relatively pristine and Mr. J. Smith said that he keeps his current location as clean and neat as possible. Mr. J. Smith stated that the use of cameras and driver's
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MADDEN ROOM                     TOWN HALL                JANUARY 23, 2008

license scanning will be used for their protection and that their company doesn't process cars or hazardous materials. All loads would be inspected before they were accepted. Commissioner Murtha stated that this company took the town's old voting machines. Mr. DeMallie also stated that this company has been helpful to the police department in their investigations. Mr. Stevenson is working on the abatement request and will make a presentation in the future. Mr. DeMallie said that the P&Z application hasn't been filed yet.

4.      Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of November 28, 2007 as corrected

Was made by: Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by: Commissioner Burnham
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

5.      Old Business

Mr. Stevenson updated the commission on the internet video project by Computer Graphics Inc. Mr. Stevenson is willing to establish a separate EDC website with the ability to showcase businesses and also link to SiteFinder. The town's Tourism and Retail Committee, part of the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce, is also interested in developing a website and maybe both groups could work together. Mr. Stevenson's fee for the site would be $2,000 which would include hosting the site, design, content and maintenance for the first twelve months. The future cost could be included in Mr. Stevenson's contract. Mr. Stevenson needs to talk to the Town Manager to see how the town could participate in this venue. Chairman Murtha asked if the town and the chamber would share the cost. Mr. Stevenson indicated that could be possible and that the intellectual property would belong to the EDC and the Chamber if the contract wasn't renewed. Mr. DeMallie, of the Chamber, suggested developing a subcommittee with members of both groups for planning. Mr. DeMallie indicated that the Chamber has been exploring its options and found that the cost of print publications is not effective and that the proposals that they received were much higher than Mr. Stevenson's. Commissioner Burnham suggested including other organizations such as the Rotary Club. EDC members to serve on the subcommittee include: Chairman Murtha, Commissioner Neary, Commissioner Judice, Commissioner Burnham and EDC Consultant Stevenson. Mr. DeMallie suggests looking at all of the proposals and then select the best option. Commissioner Mitchell asked why the EDC doesn't have a budget of its own and Mr. Stevenson suggests meeting with the Town Manager.

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MADDEN ROOM                     TOWN HALL                JANUARY 23, 2008
6. Committee Report

a)      Report from Chairperson Murtha-Chairperson Murtha indicated she is still looking for P&Z minutes.
b)      Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Commission-Commissioner Carino reported:
-the outdoor washing facility for A&S Boats was approved in December 2007.
-the Hillstead elderly housing will connect to the South Windsor sewer system.
-the sewer treatment plant needs updating and will be looking for funding. Commissioner Carino explained that the State's POCD and S. Windsor's POCD do not coincide and is causing a delay in funding. The State requires that the Town show they're willing to go ahead and fund the project before they are willing to consider funding it. Engineering work on the project has been completed. Mr. Stevenson also explained that traditionally the State takes the lead from the individual Town's POCD but that certain deadlines and comments to the State's POCD weren't met. Mr. Stevenson believes that the draft POCD was adopted by the State and that left out comments by some towns around the state and that the Town will have to challenge the State POCD to have it corrected. Commissioner Mitchell asked about a presentation to Town Council. Commissioner Carino made a presentation on the alternatives. Commissioner Mitchell stated that Main Street residents complained of odor at a meeting he attended recently. Commissioner Carino explained that there are two projects to upgrade the pump station and that one includes reducing the amount of nitrogen being released into the Connecticut River because the amount allowed by the State has been reduced.

      7. Communications and Remarks

Report by Jan Murtha, Chairperson-Chairperson Murtha informed commission        members that the new meeting calendar has been published, a memo regarding a leadership roundtable also included in the agenda packet and that a ribbon cutting and open house for Jay's Landscaping will be held February 19, 2008 5-8p.m. at 473 Sullivan Avenue. Cocktails and light food will be served.

        Report from Craig Steveson, Economic Development Consultant (attached)-

        Executive Court Industrial Park
Mr. Stevenson reported that there could be problems with the STC because all of the lots would be industrial requiring extensive improvements to Rte 5 and Nutmeg Road.

        National Training Facility
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MADDEN ROOM                     TOWN HALL                JANUARY 23, 2008
Funding has been secured for this multi-million dollar project.

        I-291 Gateway Development
        A sports theme is being explored in this development.

        Downeast Associates
        This will be positioned next to JoAnn Fabrics.

        R014 John Fitch Blvd.
        No change.

        Wentworth Park Phase II
        The issues with Metro Realty are being dealt with.

        Sunrise Development
Commissioner Mitchell asked what the lessons learned are. Mr. Stevenson stated that the Town Manager is not inclined to support a tax abatement because the town's cost to support this typed of facility due to the increased use of emergency services is higher.

The local entrepreneurs that requested information about forming a food manufacturing business are interested in 425 Sullivan Avenue.

Marketing Initiatives
The suggested holiday event could take place in Evergreen Walk or in the town center.

Mr. Stevenson has made suggestions to the Town Manager on ways a STEAP grant could be used in town.

8.      New Business
G&S Scrap Metal-discussed under Public Participation
Metro Realty-None (should have been removed from the agenda)
Sunrise Development-None (will be coming to a future meeting)

9.      General Discussion-None

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MADDEN ROOM                     TOWN HALL                JANUARY 23, 2008

10.     Adjournment:
Motion to: Adjourn at 9:10p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Mitchell
Seconded by Commissioner Neary
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: Unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Catherine Potter
Recording Secretary